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Oberdan Marianetti

Ask Me Anything

Are you wondering if your sexual fantasies are normal?

Do you question why the desire for your partner has disappeared?

Are you searching for answers to your fast ejaculation or weak erection?

Do you experience pain that makes sex uncomfortable?

For the majority of us, these questions remain buried in our minds with no answers.

Maybe you searched the internet and have been overwhelmed by the sea of information. Well, now you have an alternative.

As of today, you can ask me (a qualified psychologist and clinical sexologist) anything in complete anonymity.

I have started a question board, which anyone can visit, post and vote on.

  • See what others are asking

  • Post your questions

  • Like the questions you enjoy most

Starting with the question with the most votes, I will answer all questions on relationships and sexuality on my facebook page ( Make sure to like that page to stay connected to the answers.

Remember, all questions on the board are posted anonymously. There is no login or registration required to read or post on this board. Just visit

Enjoy the exploration and get answers to those questions in the comfort of your privacy.

Thank you for reading my article.

I base all my articles on real case studies and research findings that are relevant to my clients. If would like to read future posts, please join us here.

If you would like help with a similar challenge, you can book a free introductory consultation below and we can explore a way of working together.

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